Association Links

In 1950, PAC was formed as the Packaging Association of Canada to foster a community where companies from across the value chain could safely come together to collaborate, innovate, and educate. Our strength continues to be in the breadth, skill, knowledge and influence of our membership base.

ISBT is the premier international technical society for the beverage industry with over 700 members worldwide. ISBT’s mission is to enhance the promotion, development, and dissemination of beverage technology for the non-alcoholic beverage industry. Focus areas of activity include beverage formulation, production, packaging, equipment, distribution, and other areas.

ECPA, European Co-Packers Association, is the resource for co-packing and co-manufacturing partners in Europe.
The European Co-Packers Association (ECPA) and its member companies represent the professional Contract Packing Industry in Europe, providing a valued resource for brand owners, manufacturers and retailers looking to outsource. ECPA was formed in 2009 and currently has members with co packing facilities in Belgium, Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

AIPIA's mission is to promote the commercial applications of Active & Intelligent Packaging solutions.
AIPIA believes that implementation of new technologies in packaging is key to growth, secures protection, enhance efficiency, reduce waste and gain control in sales at end-user level.