
Brand/Retailer Membership

CPA, The Association for Contract Packagers and Manufacturers, is the premier resource for the co-man/co-pack industry is pleased to offer membership the association to brands and retailers.

This membership category is for those who are a Brand or a Retailer. Each company will be entitled to receive all CPA benefits. There are no voting rights granted to this membership category. The value proposition will be networking with a broader base, helping shape industry improvements and connecting with additional industry partners. This group would be asked to help provide a unique perspective and guidance on issues/challenges.

Membership cost: Annual dues are a flat rate of $2,995, for a company regardless of its annual revenue. One contact will be listed as Primary contact, one Billing Contact and a Marketing contact. Up to 10 additional company members can be added to the company roster.

CPA supports our member companies and the wider industry by increasing the awareness, relevance and value of external packaging and manufacturing services in a rapidly evolving consumer economy. CPA members are at the forefront of driving innovation, industry collaboration and delivering quality solutions. We are looking for personnel actively involved in the management and the assessment of External Manufacturing resources (CoMan and CoPack)

Membership Application

List of Member Benefits

Italicized are specific to this category.
  • Access to resources (CoMans and CoPacks)
  • Opportunities to find new capabilities, additional capacity, and partners.
  • Extension of your internal capabilities to find and assess resources.
  • Meeting structure that the council can meet independently to discuss industry issues and potential solutions.
  • Opportunity to suggest and participate on committees, activity teams and programs that will impact the industry.
  • Anonymous RFQ (Request for Quote) tool allowing the member to issue an RFQ without the contact details allowing for independent validation of the submission.
  • Active Webinar program that can be accessed by any company employee.
  • Discounted educational programs offered by The Packaging School, Nulogy, PMMI.
  • Networking opportunities to grow existing and potential networks.
  • Discounted access to CPA’s in-person annual event “ENGAGE” and other CPA events.
  • Communication tools such as the bi-monthly newsletter.
  • CPA has a strategic partnership with PMMI. As a member you have access PMMI related value-added items such as
    • PMMI Business Intelligence Library
    • Risk Assessment & Certified Trainer Workshops
    • OpX Leadership Network In-Person Workshops
    • e-Learning Courses
    • Mechatronics